
Spirometry Lung Function Test

Jun 9, 2022

Spirometry is the lung function test of choice for diagnosing, assessing and managing many respiratory diseases including asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

In the workplace, chemical use or exposure to products such as dust, grain, some gases, can lead to asthma or asthma related symptoms.  Spirometry is used in the medical profession to detect and quantify the degree of airflow obstruction.

Spirometry assessments are required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 where occupational exposures exceed health limits. Occuhealth recommends spirometry testing as part of your comprehensive occupational hygiene and respirator fit testing program. This allows assessment for such things as chronic lung conditions e.g. emphysema and asthma to determine resistance to Respiratory Protective Equipment.

Spirometry assessments can also be performed as part of a pre-employment assessment to screen for certain respiratory conditions that may impact on a candidate’s ability to safely do the job.

Contact us to learn more on +61 8 9537 5700

E: [email protected]

National Asthma Council Australia:

Respirator & Earplug Fit Testing


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